Brazilian Competition Law – 5 years




About the authors
Chapter 1 – The intertwining between CADE and IBRAC and the improvement of the
antitrust framework: a history of success
Eduardo Caminati Anders, Guilherme Teno Castilho Missali
Chapter 2 – How does Brazil review multi-jurisdictional merger cases? An empirical study
from the competition authority’s perspective
Anna Binotto Massaro, Bruno Bastos Becker
Chapter 3 – Associative agreements under Brazil’s control of concentrations: the search for
Ricardo Botelho, Patrícia Deluca
Chapter 4 – The New Brazilian Guidelines on Horizontal Merger Assessment
Fabiana Tito
Chapter 5 – Efficiencies Analysis in Merger Control in Brazil
Aurélio Santos, Andréa Cruz
Chapter 6 – What to expect [or to avoid] when you are expecting: gun jumping issues and
challenges of a pre-merger control regime
Cristianne Saccab Zarzur, Leonardo Rocha e Silva, Marcos Pajolla Garrido
Chapter 7 – Carve-out arrangements in cross-border transactions and Brazil’s merger control
after Cisco/Technicolor
José Carlos Berardo, Paulo Eduardo Lilla
Chapter 8 – Overview on Merger Control Agreements in Brazil
Barbara Rosenberg, Luís Bernardo Coelho Cascão, Vitor Jardim M Barbosa
Chapter 9 – CADE’s remedies practice in vertical integration cases
Adriana Giannini, Lorena Nisiyama
Chapter 10 – Merger remedies: guiding principles and the Brazilian experience
Bernardo Gouthier Macedo, Silvia Fagá de Almeida, Anna Olimpia de Moura Leite
Chapter 11 – Antitrust enforcement of the prohibition of exercising shareholders’ political
Ricardo Lara Gaillard, Clovis Manzoni dos Santos, Lores Priscila Silva Freitas
Chapter 12 – Impact of CADE’S decisions on the market value of merging firms: before and
after the new law
Ricardo R G Avelino, Edgard A Pereira
Chapter 13 – Due Process of Law and the Brazilian Antitrust Authority
Pedro Paulo Salles Cristofaro, Luisa Shinzato de Pinho
Chapter 14 – Exchange of sensitive information between competitors
Camila Pires da Rocha, Gabriel Mattioli de Miranda, Priscila Brolio Gonçalves
Chapter 15 – Five years of anti-cartel enforcement under the new Brazilian Antitrust Law:
how changes in the competition regulatory framework balanced the decision matrix in favor
of cooperative solutions
Lauro Celidonio Neto, Michelle Machado, Frederico Donas
Chapter 16 – International cartels and their effects in Brazil: an overview of CADE’S recent
case law
Leonardo Maniglia Duarte, Rodrigo Alves dos Santos, Fernanda Lins Nemer
Chapter 17 – Prosecuting cartels: is relevant market definition necessary? And what about the
per se rule in Brazil?
Mauro Grinberg
Chapter 18 – Eleven lessons one can learn from the CADE’s case law in bid rigging cases
Joyce Ruiz Rodrigues Alves
Chapter 19 – Antitrust Enforcement Against Cartels: The Brazilian Experience and Future
Perspectives with Dawn-Raids and Amnesty Programs
Juliana Oliveira Domingues, Eduardo Molan Gaban
Chapter 20 – The liability of individuals in cartel condemnations: the standards of proof and
the weighting criteria for penalties under CADE’s case law
Joyce Midori Honda, Adriana Akiko de Andrade, Thales de Melo e Lemos
Chapter 21 – Standard of Proof in Cartel Cases involving Leniency Agreements
Carolina Gattolin de Paula, Patricia Bandouk Carvalho, Tatiana Lins Cruz
Chapter 22 – The leniency avalanche in the first 5 years of the Brazilian antitrust law:
improvements achieved and challenges ahead
Luciana Martorano
Chapter 23 – Brazil’s leniency program and its effects in the compliance culture
Isabela Salomon Reis, Rodrigo Ramos Casagrande
Chapter 24 – Interface between the Brazilian antitrust, anti-corruption, and criminal
organization laws: the leniency agreements
Denis Alves Guimarães
Chapter 25 – Recovery actions for cartel damages: state of affairs and challenges for the next
five years
Bruno Lana Peixoto, Ludmilla Martins da Silva
Chapter 26 – The relationship between public and private enforcement: access to evidence,
burden of proof and legal presumptions
Adriano Camargo Gomes, Fernanda Garibaldi
Chapter 27 – The Brazilian experience involving settlement agreements in unilateral conducts
Bruno Droghetti Magalhães Santos, Natali de Vicente Santos, Jaqueliny Moraes Larangeiras
de Lima Guimarães
Chapter 28 – Abusive exercise of intellectual property rights in Brazil CADE case analysis
Simone Villaça Aguiar
Chapter 29 – CADE and the sham litigation theory: the abuse of the right of access with
antitrust effects
Luis Gustavo Miranda, Maria João C P Rolim, Renata Guimarães Pompeu
Chapter 30 – The compliance guidelines and the rise of the antitrust soft law in Brazil
Guilherme F C Ribas, Vinícius da Silva Ribeiro
Chapter 31 – The assumption of cases in the financial market by the Competition Law
Vicente Bagnoli, Amanda Navas, Maria Fernanda Madi
Chapter 32 – Overview of the interplay between cade and the prosecution office in the fight
against cartels in Brazil
Gabriela Reis Paiva Monteiro, Livia Gândara
Chapter 33 – CADE’s market studies in light of the principles and recommendations of the
international competition network (ICN): an overview
Marcel Medon Santos, Vivian Fraga do Nascimento Arruda, Jackson de Freitas Ferreira
Chapter 34 – Competition policy and the relationship with the judiciary
Patricia Agra Araujo

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