2023 Antitrust in the Americas

Data: 01.06.2023
Inscritos: 0


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2023 Antitrust in the Americas




Every lawyer should visit Rio at least once. Not just for the scenic vistas, tropical rainforests and cultural diversity. Rio is the home of our first and our next installment of this conference as competition law continues to be active here. We hope you will join us in our return to Brazil.


Hotel:  April 21

Registration Early Bird:  May 11

Registration Cancellation:  May 18

2023 Antitrust in the Americas

Depois de sete anos desde a sua última edição, a American Bar Association e o IBRAC – Instituto Brasileiro de Estudos de Concorrência, Consumo e Comércio Internacional promoverão a Conferência “2023 Antitrust in the Americas”, que acontecerá nos dias 1º e 2 de junho deste ano no Hotel Copacabana Palace, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro.


A Conferência contará com a participação de membros da comunidade antitruste de diferentes países, incluindo Brasil, Estados Unidos, Europa, e países da América Latina.


Autoridades, acadêmicos e advogados discutirão, em oito painéis, temas como os desafios enfrentados por advogados in-house, transações multi-jurisdicionais, discriminação de preços, persecução de carteis, gun-jumping, mercados digitais, e os propósitos do antitruste.


Haverá também entrevistas com líderes de autoridades antitruste de Brasil, México e Costa Rica.


As inscrições estão abertas! A agenda completa e informações para inscrição estão disponíveis no link: https://web.cvent.com/event/c50f361e-21d2-448c-bd72-a3c394cdef37/summary

IBRAC´s registration fee  $ 785.00
Discount by code IBRAC23.

Michael Egge, ABA Co-Chair

Renê Medrado, IBRAC Co-Chair


Alexandre Cordeiro Macedo, Presidente do Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica – Cade

Alexandre Barreto, Superintendente-Geral do CADE

Diogo Andrade, Superintendente-Geral Adjunto do CADE

Ricardo Medeiros de Castro, Economista-Chefe Adjunto

Carles Esteva Mosso

Maria Eugênia Novis

Lucilia Falsarella Pereira

Alejandro García de Brigard

Fernanda Garcia Machado

Adriana Giannini

Stephanie GRECO

Krisztian Katona

Leticia Kina

Julia Loret de Mola

Barbara Luvizotto

Juan Manuel Mercant

Carlos Mena Labarthe


Lorena Pavic

Sharis A. POZEN

Carlos Ragazzo


Guilherme Ribas

Amadeu Ribeiro

Ricardo RIESCO

Barbara Rosenberg

Fiona Schaeffer

Felipe Serrano

Pablo Trevisán

Augustín WAISMAN

Koren W. Wong-Ervin

Thomas F. ZYCH Sr.



Hotel: April 21

Registration Early Bird: May 11

Registration Cancellation: May 18


IBRAC´s registration fee $ 785.00

Discount by code IBRAC23.


#law #lawyer #brazil #hotel #diversity # #mercados



On June 1-2, government enforcers, corporate counsel and leading antitrust practitioners from throughout the Americas will convene in Rio for the sixth Antitrust in the Americas Conference sponsored by the ABA Antitrust Law Section.  As in prior years, the faculty representation will be from the Mexican Bar Association (Barra Mexicana, Colegio de Abogados, A.C.), the Brazilian Association for Studies on Competition, (IBRAC), Consumer Affairs and International Trade (Instituto Brasileiro de Estudos de Concorrência, Consumo e Comércio Internacional) and Buenos Aires Bar Association.

Competition law enforcement activity continues to expand in the region, and in particular Latin America where mergers, cartels, distribution agreements, and dominance face close scrutiny.

The Conference will include interactive discussions with experts from throughout the region on cutting edge topics, including:

  • Insights on developments in international cartel enforcement, recognizing the growth of criminal enforcement and leniency programs throughout the region;
  •  Distinguishing pro-competitive collaboration with competitors from anticompetitive collusion;
  • Issues arising in distribution agreements, such as resale price agreements, distribution, MFN agreements, and the like;
  • Antitrust issues in telecommunications; and
  • Competition issues from the viewpoint of the judiciary, including the advantages and disadvantages of different systems of judicial review

Special focus will be given to the emerging antitrust issues that General Counsel and their advisors should anticipate in the dynamic regulatory environment their companies operate in throughout the region. A round table panel of enforcement leaders from the Americas will answer questions on their enforcement priorities, challenges, and collaborative efforts with their counterparts across borders.

The conference provides a unique opportunity for participants to hear from government officials who are playing leading roles in competition law enforcement, as well as corporate counsel from throughout the region and leading members of the antitrust bar who are handling antitrust matters making headlines in the region.

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IBRAC´s registration fee  $ 785.00
Discount by code IBRAC23.



Total de participantes: 0



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