Merger Enforcement in the Americas

Data: 17.07.2012
Inscritos: 0


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Merger Enforcement in the Americas



Prezados Associados,

Convidamos os membros do IBRAC a participar do evento “Merger Enforcement in the Americas” que será realizado no dia 17 de julho próximo das 18:00 as 20:30 horas. O encontro será realizado em Nova York e será transmitido ao vivo para São Paulo, de onde poderá ser assistido no Auditório do escritório Pinheiro Neto, que gentilmente cedeu suas instalações e link, para que os participantes possam interagir com as autoridades, via perguntas on-line.

Aos interessados solicitamos inscrever-se no email: cnieto@pn.com.br


You are Cordially Invited to the NYSBA Antitrust Section’s
2012 NYSBA Summer Merger Forum

“Merger Enforcement in the Americas”

July 17, 2012
5:00 – 7:30 p.m. EST

New York State Bar Association Antitrust Law Section
in conjunction with
The International Section of the NYSBA,
Brazilian Institute on Competition, Consumer Affairs, International Trade (IBRAC) and the
Canadian Bar Association

present a panel discussion of enforcers’ perspectives on emerging and established
merger control regimes in the Americas, featuring:

Melanie Aitken – Commissioner, Competition Bureau of Canada
Rachel Brandenburger -Special Advisor, International, US Department of Justice
Eduardo Perez Motta – Chairman, Federal Competition Commission of Mexico
Carlos Emmanuel Joppert Ragazzo – Superintendente, CADE (Competition Commission of Brazil)
Ilene Knable Gotts – Past Chair, NYSBA Antitrust Section, as moderator

Join us in NYC for the panel discussion and a reception with the speakers.
NYSBA members who attend in person will be able to receive 1.5 complimentary CLE credits.

New York City

Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP
787 Seventh Avenue
New York, NY 10019

You may also watch the panel discussion via webcast on your



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