PROGRAME19/09/2016 – (Class 1) Article 101 – Theory and Main Cases Discussed and Decided by the European Commission and Courts
20/09/2016 – (Class 2) Article 102 – Theory and Main Cases Discussed and Decided by the European Commission and Courts
21/09/2016 – (Class 3) EC Merger Regulation and Main Cases Discussed and Decided by the European Commission and Courts
Professor Whish is a graduate of the University of Oxford where he obtained the degrees of BA and BCL. Richard has been Professor of Law at Kings College London since January 1991; prior to that he taught at the University of Bristol. He is also a Professor at the College of Europe (Bruges). He is a qualified solicitor and was a partner at Watson, Farley and Williams from 1989 to 1998. He acts as a consultant to a variety of companies and regulatory agencies, and is a non-executive director of the Office of Fair Trading; he is also a member of the Board of the Singaporean Energy Market Authority. Professor Whish has research interests in the competition law of the EU, UK and other countries. He is actively involved in research on many aspects of competition policy, including the international merger process, pricing behaviour and the relationship between competition law and regulation.
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