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Cúpula do Brasil sobre
Compliance Aduaneiro e na Importação
Como Agilizar o Desembaraço Aduaneiro, Preparar-se para Inspeções/Auditorias e Integrar
Regulamentos de Importação Complicados em um Programa Efi caz de Compliance.
Organizador: American Conference Institute
Data: 30-31 de maio e 01 de junho
Local: Tivoli Mofarrej São Paulo
Apoio: IBRAC
Associados do IBRAC têm desconto de US$ 200 (discount code 979L12)
A Groundbreaking Conference Designed to Address the Unique Challenges of Importing into Brazil. Join an elite group of Trade Executives and learn from your peers how to Minimize Duties and Resolve Complex Brazil Customs Challenges.
Following the tremendous success of its flagship trade compliance conferences in the United States, Europe and Asia, American Conference Institute is pleased to introduce its inaugural Brazil Summit on Customs & Import Compliance, a groundbreaking international conference addressing the complex customs compliance challenges in Brazil.
In the last year, the Brazilian Government has made several changes to customs regulations and duties, and quadrupled the number of investigators in the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade. Customs inspections, origin investigations and valuation disputes are all increasing in frequency and make it imperative for multinationals importing into Brazil to revisit their import compliance strategy. In order to succeed in this evolving regulatory and heightened import enforcement environment, multinationals must stay ahead of the latest Brazil Customs requirements and build a robust compliance program that is effective on the ground. Failure to act is otherwise likely to result in border delays, stiff penalties and missed production and delivery deadlines.
This unique and insightful conference is designed to provide Brazil trade compliance executives with practical import compliance and duty saving strategies. Program highlights include:
An In-Depth Look at Customs Compliance Programs for Brazil:
Benefit from a practical discussion on the core components of an effective customs compliance program for Brazil imports. Learn how to customize your reporting structure, compliance processes, internal controls and training strategies to address the unique risks of your business.
An Unprecedented Opportunity to Benchmark with your Peers at:
Tyco, Nike, Weatherford, ABB, Nestle, Novartis, Baker Hughes, Cisco, Bayer, LATAM Airlines, DuPont, PepsiCo, Microsoft, Hershey and Covidien.
The View from Customs HQ:
Hear what HQ perceives to be an effective compliance program and learn how global trade compliance professionals coordinate trade compliance and foster uniformity in a global organization.
Firsthand Insights from the Brazil Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade:
Tatiana Lacerda Prazeres
SECEX Foreign Trade Secretary
Foreign Trade Secretariat SECEX
Emílio Garófalo
CAMEX Executive Secretary
Foreign Trade Chamber CAMEX
Interactive and Practical Working Groups:
A Getting Customs Valuation Right: How to Meet Complex Brazil Transaction Value Rules
B A Deep Dive into Brazil Tariff Classification: What Every Trade Executive Needs to Know
Seats at this premier trade compliance conference are expected to sell out fast. Register early to reserve your place and take advantage of the special early bird rate.
Total de participantes: 1